Collaborating with public schools and community partners
to support excellent and equitable educational opportunities throughout the North Country.

Upcoming Professional Development

Conscious Discipline

Educator series for 2024-2025 underway.

Parent/caregiver series is underway. Next group TBD, but likely fall 2025. View flyer or register.

Handling Upset series, for those who have completed CD’s Building Resilient Homes & Schools, began in January. Register.

Past participants interested in facilitating a series for parents or colleagues in their school or family-serving organization should contact NCES.

Novel Engineering for Family Engagement (more info)

See current issue of NCES news for more offerings.

North Country Scholars 2005

The event will be held on Thursday, May 29, 2025.

North Country Scholars 2024

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 valedictorians, salutatorians, top honors, and outstanding CTE students honored at the North Country Scholars recognition ceremony held on May 30th. This event, sponsored by NCES and the North Country School Administrators Association, marked the 19th year that the region has celebrated the achievements of the top students in the region’s 12 high schools and 5 career and technical education centers. The 2025 event will be held on May 29, 2025.

(Front, l-r): Shaylah Haynes, Outstanding CTE, North Point Career & Technical Education Center; Olivia Clorite, Outstanding CTE, Berlin Regional Career & Technical Education Center; Jake Bartlett, Top Honors, Gorham Middle High School; Katryna Dube, Valedictorian, White Mountains Regional High School; Elizabeth Roberge, Top Honors, Gorham Middle High School; Kobe Toms, Co-Salutatorian, Profile School; Avery Gignac, Co-Salutatorian, Profile School. (Second row): Yonah Friedman, Salutatorian, White Mountains Regional High School; Tucker Bailey, Salutatorian, Lin-Wood Public School; Joli Lunderville, Valedictorian, Groveton High School; Aubrie Woodward, Salutatorian, Berlin Middle High School; Aaron Thompson, Valedictorian, Pittsburg School; Adelle Pettit, Salutatorian, Pittsburg School; Abishai Corey, Valedictorian, Lin-Wood Public School; Bode DiMarzio, Valedictorian, Profile School; (Third row): Ophelia Beebe, Salutatorian, Lisbon Regional High School; Aric Huter, Valedictorian, Berlin High School; Benjamin Taylor, Outstanding CTE, River Bend Career & Technical Center; Mackenzie Griswold, Valedictorian, Woodsville High School; Katherine Vasconcelos, Salutatorian, Woodsville High School; Lain Lebel, Valedictorian, Colebrook Academy; (Back row): Connor Simino, Outstanding CTE, Arthur T. Paradice Regional Career & Technical Center; Logan McCarthy, Salutatorian, Groveton High School; Ethan LaRose, Salutatorian Littleton High School & Outstanding CTE, Hugh J. Gallen Career & Technical Education Center; Claire Hennessey, Valedictorian, Littleton High School; Rylie Walker, Valedictorian, Kennett High School; Emerson Duval, Salutatorian, Kennett High School; and Ivy Zipf, Outstanding CTE, Mount Washington Valley Career & Technical Center.

NCES, in partnership with WMSI, supports North Country schools in computer science integration in grades K-12. Learn more.


Latest News

NCES news and updates, see the current newsletter.

Sorry, the Coos Adult Education program is no longer being administered through NCES. For services in Coos, please contact the Above the Notch Community School in Littleton or the adult education program through Groveton High School.