
Rob Scott
Assistant Superintendent SAU 36

David Backler (Board President)
Superintendent SAU 20

Dana Hilliard
Superintendent SAU 7

Tammy Fauteux
District Administrators SAU 3

Kate Harrington Segal
Superintendent SAU 35

Robin Scott
Member at Large

Bernard Keenan
Member at Large

Kathleen Kelley (Treasurer)
Member at Large

Leah Holz
District Administrator SAU 77

Dr. Mary Steady
Superintendent SAU 68

Robert Mills
Member at Large

Steven Nilhas
Superintendent SAU 84

Randall Pillotte
Member at large

Pamela Stimpson
Superintendent Designee SAU 9

Dr. Ann Landry
Superintendent SAU 58

Dolores Fox
Superintendent SAU 23 

Meetings of the NCES Board of Directors

The regularly scheduled meetings are held on the third Tuesdays at NCES, 300 Gorham Hill Road, Gorham, NH:


The Finance Committee meets on the third Tuesdays at 8:30 AM, September through June. Personnel, Policy, and Ad Hoc Committees meetings are scheduled as needed. Meeting minutes and agendas are available upon request. All meetings are open to the public.