HABS Participants - Summer 2015
Front row: Nick Sullo – WMSI Instructor, Sarah Clemmitt – Gorham High School, Jack Greene – Profile School, Asher Merrill – Profile School, Jack Lettre – Gorham High School, Amelia Martin – Gorham School, Morgan Staples – Gorham High School, Sarah Clark – Berlin High School, Curtis Wyman – Woodsville High School, James Lemieux – Gorham High School, Laney Hadlock – Littleton High School, Karin Anderson – Lakeway Elementary School, Nicole Piette – Littleton High School. Back row: Kevin Briere – Profile High School, Steve Roberts – WMSI Instructor, Bill Church – WMSI Instructor, Carter Merrill – Profile High School, Keri Wade – Gorham High School, Nicholas Wade – Gorham Middle School, Lucie Kinney – Berlin High School, Michael Thompson – Haverhill Middle School, Thomas Sullivan – Berlin High School.

Ok, letting it out a little bit further was not a good idea. After getting snagged in the trees, the attempt to free the line ended up snapping the tether. Bye, bye, test balloon...
Teams were organized into specialty areas. This group worked on calculations for launch locations, rise and decent rates and other mathematical aspects.

Before dropped by parachute, prototypes were tested by slamming them to the ground with a raw egg inside.
There was a concept to test the release mechanism via a drone. Here we are testing the drones ability to carry a payload. Lesson learned, do not use such a long tether to the payload. The drone could not compensate for the pendulum swing...crash!
Drone repair!

Curtis Wyman of Woodsville High School working on the prototype payload device to carry the instrumentation to the edge of space.
Payload containers and parachutes were tested from a tethered drop from the Gorham railroad trestle after high winds deterred testing release mechanisms from a tethered balloon or drone.